Monday, September 30, 2019

The Correlation Among Corporate Productivity Assessments Commerce Essay

In any profit-oriented or nonprofit-oriented organisations, human resources have an of import function in accomplishing organisational efficiency and effectivity by pull offing the physical, fiscal and human resources in the most effectual and efficient. To make this, the organisation has developed a assortment of complex procedures and processs. One to pull offing human resources is the appraisal of public presentation ( besides known as public presentation rating, public presentation assessment, public presentation direction, reviews or evaluations ) . In a extremely competitory epoch of globalisation, companies need high public presentation. At the same clip, employees need feedback about their public presentation and counsel for future behaviour. Attempts to make company ends can be realized through increased productiveness. Higher productiveness will make efficiencies in operations, where the degree of productiveness itself is extremely influenced by the public presentation or productiveness of employees of these companies. One of the of import factors that affect employee productiveness is motive. Work motive is something that can bring forth enthusiasm and thrust to work. Motivation can be sourced from internal and external. External motive can be obtained from the organisation, so the responsibility director to make a work environment that can take to the being of a motive. Meanwhile, the productiveness can be defined as the ratio of end product to input. Work productiveness is affected by motive and, hence, extremely motivated persons who tend to be more productive than persons who have low motive. In the globalisation epoch filled with stiff competition, every organisation should better and heighten the productiveness o f work. With high productiveness fight of the organisation is expected to be better and net incomes besides increased. There is something of import in understanding how the public presentation assessment system will convey increased productiveness. Silberman ( 2003 ) said that â€Å" an effectual public presentation direction plan can increase productiveness and morale in your organisation and aid you retain valued high-performers † . Meanwhile, harmonizing to Bruce ( 2002 ) that the manner to increase employees ‘ motive and productiveness is to guarantee that everyone has a common apprehension of what high public presentation is and to do certain that employees know what is expected of them. Furthermore, she suggests that directors recognize the consequence that they have on their employees and the demand to utilize their places to act upon the nexus between motive and public presentation in positive and originative ways. In order to developing human resource to better of company public presentation, spread outing some motive theoretical accounts based on by former motive theories. Reaching company public presentation which is maximum to be needed the apprehension of the motive theoretical accounts so that can be made by way to actuate employees.Corporate Productivity V MotivationPossibly some of people non truly recognize that the public presentation of every employee in the company is really large influence on company productiveness. Several factors are believed to impact the productiveness of the company are: Skill, evidently this single factors that differ from one individual to another Wellness, every bit good as single factors of the characters concerned. Work Attendance / Absenteeism is the last factor is more particular because it non merely influenced by the character in the drama but was influenced by these workers in the company groups that related with motive of employees Although many organisational factors contribute to effectiveness of organisation, such as turnover, absenteeism, and engineering, likely the factor that is described as most of import and one that direction feels it can act upon is occupation public presentation. Job public presentation typically is viewed as partly determined by the motive to work hard and, hence, additions in motive should ensue in greater attempt and higher public presentation ( Mitchell, 1982 ) . Furthermore, Mitchell said before any motive system is installed, one must be certain ( a ) that there is a good public presentation assessment system available, ( B ) that motive is an of import subscriber to public presentation, and ( degree Celsius ) that where motive clearly is non the major subscriber to public presentation, a separate step of motive or of behaviours clearly caused by motive is developed. Employees who work in an organisation have the features and backgrounds which different each other. Therefore, every employee has different demands and different desires, so that it can actuate organisational members to execute certain behaviours. Individual differences besides cause differences in public presentation / productiveness of their work. The productiveness of an employee ‘s work among others affected by their motive. Differences in behaviour among members of the organisation make a director must understand the motive that is owned by each member of the organisation, how to actuate them, who in bend can increase their productiveness. These of import inquiries about employees ‘ behaviour can merely be answered by directors who have a appreciation of what motivates people. Specially, a good apprehension of motive can function as a valuable tool for understanding the causes of behaviour in organisations, for foretelling the effects of any managerial action, and for directing behaviour so that organisational and single ends can be achieved. ( Nadler and Lawler, 1977 ) . Motivation can be sourced from internal and external. One of the external beginnings of motive is from the organisation. Therefore, the direction of organisations should be able to make a clime that can actuate their employees. A motivated employee tends to be more productive than those non motivated. Motivation is one of import factor to increase work productiveness, which in bend would increase net incomes for the organisation or company. There are assorted constructs or theories of motive that can be used as mention by the directors to larn and understand the assorted motives that are owned by their employees within the organisation. All considered, that between the motive and productiveness can be said to be a causal relationship, which is one of the impacts on the other side will do an impact on others. The productiveness of most organisations is a map of the manner at least three variables are managed: engineering, capital, and human resources ( Latham & A ; Wexley, 1994,2 ) . Employee productiveness depends on the sum of clip an person is physically present at a occupation and besides the grade to which he or she is â€Å" mentally present † or expeditiously working while nowadays at a occupation. Motivation is considered as the chief determiner of the of import and encouraging increased productiveness / public presentation ( Gibson, Ivancevich, and Donnelly, 1996 ) . An employee ‘s productiveness depends on employee motive to work to be done. The higher the motive for person to execute a occupation, the higher the productiveness. This is consistent with the end of explicating the theory that productiveness is a map of motive: P = degree Fahrenheit ( M ) . While harmonizing to the anticipation theory of productiveness is a generation of motive with the ability: P = M x A ( Suprihanto, 1986 ) . Productivity represent generation map from attempt of employees, supported by high motive, and ability of Human Resource through productiveness patterns which mounting, intending good public presentation, will go feedback to go oning organisation activity ( Klingner and Nalbandian, 1998 ) .Feedback ( Peformance Appraisal )AttemptAbilityProductivenessWorking Conditions ( Safety, Healthful )Ten=Beginning: Klingner and Nalbandian ( 1998 ) Figure 1. The Relationship between Productivity and Motivation Harmonizing to the consequences of a study conducted by the Employers and Manufacturers Association, where they have been reviewed every bit many as 521 instances that went before the Employment Relations Authority in 2008 showed that 67 per centum autumn in support of employees. One of the job is that in many instances when covering with hapless employee public presentation, because employers do non follow the needed procedure. ( Atkins, 2009, p.22 ) . So that the hapless public presentation of employees will impact the company ‘s productiveness, squad spirit and work civilization within the company. Bettering productiveness is one large challenge that has engaged the attending of employers ‘ whether private or public by inventing appropriate mechanism for actuating their workers. The earnestness of this challenge can be understood from direction ‘s perceptual experience of the strong functional correlativity between employee motive and organisational productiveness.Motivation vs Assessment SystemIn the human resources direction, public presentation assessment systems have a critical function. The public presentation rating is an of import mechanism for commanding the organisation, where employees can see their public presentation in the past and take concrete actions for betterment. Performance assessments besides provide of import information for the direction of human resources to make just and right determinations sing publicities, transportations, compensation, inducements and preparation plans and calling direction. Particular companies typically require differe nt public presentation assessment system tailored to the demands of the maps and procedures ( Chen & A ; Chu, 2007 ) . Appraisal of public presentation is related to the motive of employees, in supplying some of import constituents of effectual motivational schemes. Particularly in this instance is the proviso of feedback to enable employees to larn how the employee worked ; puting specific ends about what employees should make ; team-building to enable employees to take part with friends and their directors in work outing jobs that hinder their productiveness, and pecuniary inducements that reward good public presentation ( Latham and Wexley, 1994 ) . Harmonizing to Mathis and Jackson ( 2000: 81 ) the factors that affect the single public presentation of workers, viz. : 1. ability, 2.motivation, 3. support that received, 4. being of work that they do, 5. Relationship with the organisation. Meanwhile, harmonizing to Gibson ( 1987 ) there are three factors that affect public presentation: 1 ) single factors: ability, accomplishment, household background, experience of employment, societal and demographic degrees of a individual. 2 ) Psychological factors: perceptual experience, functions, attitudes, personality, motive and occupation satisfaction 3 ) organisational factors: organisational construction, occupation design, leading, reward systems.The IndividualAbility Motivation SupportThe JobDesign Indvidual V Team Job elementsJob Satisfaction / DissatisfactionOrganizational CommittednessProductivenessQualityServiceHR EffectivenessBeginning: Mathis and Jackson, ( 2000, 81 ) Figure 2. Model of Individual / Organizational Performance The public presentation rating ( public presentation assessment ) is fundamentally a cardinal factor in order to develop an organisation efficaciously and expeditiously, due to policies or plans that better the human resources that exist within the organisation. Individual public presentation assessment is really good for the growing kineticss of the organisation as a whole, through an appraisal can be known about how the existent conditions of employee public presentation. Harmonizing to Bernardin and Russell ( 1993: 379 ) â€Å" A manner of mensurating the part of persons to on their organisation. † The public presentation rating is a manner of mensurating the part of persons ( employees ) to the organisations where they work. Harmonizing to Cascio ( 1992: 267 ) â€Å" public presentation rating is a systematic description or a description of the relevant strengths and failings of a individual or a group. † Meanwhile, harmonizing to Wahyudi ( 2002: 101 ) â€Å" a public presentation assessment ratings are conducted sporadically and consistently about their work public presentation / place of a work force, including its development potency. † Furthermore, sing definition of public presentation assessment Grote ( 2002 ) says that â€Å" Performance assessment is a formal direction system that provides for the rating of the quality of an person ‘s public presentation in an organisation † . Performance assessment is â€Å" the procedure of measuring how good employees perform their occupations when compared to a set of criterions, and so pass oning that information to those employees â€Å" ( Mathis and Jackson, 2000, 384 ) . Sing how to do a good public presentation assessment, Messmer ( 2000 ) province that there are several elements of a good public presentation appraisal: 1 ) preparation of the ends that will be done by workers or leader at the terminal of the appraisal, 2 ) a list of specific competences or accomplishments to be measured with a successful illustration of the behavior / public presentation, 3 ) graduated table ranking or evaluation is right for the organisation, 4 ) the infinite for workers in measuring for themselves, 5 ) the infinite for the appraisal supervisors / directors, 6 ) infinite for particular events from the director about public presentation of their employees, 7 ) promote the development of worker / employee, 8 ) the end to aline with the following rating day of the month. Furthermore, in ACAS brochure ( 2005 ) that there are several the general rules in explicating a good public presentation appraisal system: what is the intent of public presentation appraisal? , who should be assessed? , who conducted the appraisal? , how frequently should the appraisal take topographic point? , what methods are used in measuring employee public presentation? , how the interviews conducted? . Sing the aims of public presentation assessment system, in ACAS Booklet ( 2005 ) , states that the primary intent of appraisal system used for reexamining public presentation, measuring possible employees and place preparation demands and calling planning. Besides the public presentation assessment system can be used to find whether the employees eligible to have fiscal wagess for their public presentation or non. Klatt, Murdick, and Schuster ( 1978 ) study on a survey conducted by Schuster and Kindall ( 1974 ) in which the public presentation assessment patterns of Fortune ‘s 500 largest corporations are described. Of the 403 corporations surveyed, 316 ( 78 % ) reported the usage of some type of formal public presentation assessment system. Futher, they report the public presentation evalutions were used for a assortment of intents, as showed below:Table 1. The intents of assessment systemNo.Uses of AppraisalResponsesNumberPercentage1. Merit additions or fillips 238 75,3 % 2. Reding employees 278 88,0 % 3. Planing preparation or development for employees 270 85,4 % 4. Sing the publicity of employees 266 84,2 % 5. Sing the keeping or discharge of employees 184 58,2 % 6. Motivating employees to accomplish higher degrees of public presentation 269 85,1 % 7. Bettering company planning 178 56,3 % 8. Other 28 8,9 % Entire company coverage 316 Beginning: Klatt, Murdick, and Schuster ( 1978, p.367 ) Other studies likewise conducted by Lazer and Wikstrom ( 1977 ) , based upon a study of 300 companies, that 82 % of the respondents had used public presentation rating for feedback, 70 % for compensation determinations, 67 % for publicities, and 65 % for indetifying preparation and developmental demands. Another research worker found similar consequences in their study, Locher and Teel ( 1977 ) said that 71 % of respondents had used public presentation assessment for compensations determinations, 55 % for public presentation betterment programmes, and 11 % for certification. To sum up, the literature suggests that public presentation assessment serves two chief intents: the administrative ( on the organisational degree ) and the developmental ( on both the organisational and single degree ) . The major administrative intents of public presentation assessment are: To supply back-up informations for direction determinations sing salary additions, publicities, transportations, and sometimes demotions or expirations ( McGregor, 1957 ; Levinson, 1976 ) . To place promotable employees within the organisation for effectual work force planning and use ( Thomson, 1969 ; Schneier and Beatty, 1979 ) . To supply information that will ease determinations sing preparation and development demands ( Oberg, 1972 ) . The major developmental intents of public presentation assessment are: To supply equal feedback to the employees about how they ‘ve conducted occupation and to propose needed alterations in behavior, attitudes, accomplishments, or occupation cognition ( McGregor, 1957 ; Thomson, 1969 ; Oberg, 1972, Levinson, 1976 ; Schneier and Beatty, 1979 ) . To supply a footing for the coaching and guidance of employees by supervisors ( McGregor, 1957 ) . To supply information sing both single and organisational development demands ( Oberg, 1972 ) . Formal public presentation assessment can be accomplished after any period, although it is usually conducted on an one-year footing. Sometimes organisations require that it be done more often, quarterly, or biyearly. Frequent public presentation assessments can ensue in greater apprehension of the occupation and betterment in occupation public presentation ( Nathan et al. , 1991. B.R. Nathan, A.M. Mohrman and J. Milliman, Interpersonal dealingss as a context for the effects of assessment interview on public presentation and satisfaction: a longitudinal survey. Acad. Manage. J. 34 ( 1991 ) , pp. 352-369. Full Text via CrossRefNathan et Al, 1991 ) . Mathis & A ; Jackson ( 2000, 387 ) province that assessment typically are conducted one time or twice a twelvemonth, most frequently yearly. For new employees, common timing is to carry on an appraisal 90 yearss after employment, once more at six months, and yearly thenceforth. Besides Anderson in Towers ( 1996, 196 ) says that the most com mon corporate patterns are to keep public presentation assessments every twelve months or every six months, although more-frequent and less frequent fluctuations can and make occur. Harmonizing to Bhatia ( 2010 ) , based on the consequences of his research where he has worked with many companies and found that each measure in the assessment procedure should be no more than 4-5 on the job yearss. Further, he said that in measuring the public presentation of at least six phases which wholly takes over 15 – 35 yearss. The different stairss in the appraisal procedure and their time-line might be:NoStairssProposed Time-Line1 Employees completing their ego appraisal and submit it to their directors 2 yearss 2 Directors completing the appraisal procedure and subject it to Heads of Departments 5 to 10 yearss ( depending on the squad size ) 3 Head of the Departments completed the mark of their employees and so subject it to the HR section 2 to 5 yearss 4 HR do standardization ( remotion of departmental prejudice ) throughout the organisation, finish the appraisal tonss and subject it to the directors 3 to 12 yearss ( depends on the degree of interaction required ) 5 Directors to discourse the assessment with the employee and so give those consequences to the employee for concluding credence 2 to 5 yearss ( depending on the squad size ) 6 Employees receive their appraisal consequences and mark it 1 twenty-four hoursEntire Time Taken15 to 35 yearss Beginning: Bhatia, 2010 Futhermore, public presentation assessment can carry on into two ways, informal or formal. The informal assessment is conducted whenever the supervisor feels it necessary. A systematic assessment is used when the contact between director and employee is formal, and a system is in topographic point to describe managerial feelings and observations on employee public presentation ( Mathis & A ; Jackson ; 2000, Anderson in Towers ; 1996, Oberg ; 1972 ) . Although informal assessment is utile, it should non take the topographic point of formal assessment. Performance can be appraised by a figure of methods. Winston & A ; Creamer ( 1997 ) said that there are legion methods to mensurate employee ‘s public presentation assessment but some of these methods are non suited in some instances. Effective assessment system should include lucidity, transparence, and justness ; give acknowledgment to productiveness through the wages ; and recognize the leading qualities of valuators. Harmonizing to Mathis and Jackson ( 2000 ; 393 ) , assorted methods are categorized into four major groups: Class Rating Methods Comparative Methods Narrative Methods Behavioral/Objective Methods Beginning: Mathis and Jackson, ( 2000, 393 ) Figure 3. Performance Appraisal Methods Rating – is a public presentation assessment technique in which judges assess employee public presentation utilizing a graduated table for mensurating the public presentation factors ( public presentation factor ) . For illustration is in mensurating the degree of inaugural and duty of employees. Scale used is 1 to 5, Internet Explorer 1 is the worst and 5 is the best. If the degree of inaugural and duty are insouciant employees, for illustration, so he was given a value of 3 or 4 and so on to measure other public presentation factors. Critical incidents – a public presentation appraisal technique, in which the judge noted about what behavior / accomplishment of the best and worst ( highly good or bad behaviour ) for employees in the assessment period. Ranking – is a public presentation assessment technique by comparing employee to another employee with the purpose of seting them in order of value of a simple degree. Narrative study – a public presentation appraisal technique, in which the judge write a description about the strenght of employees, their failings, their public presentation in the yesteryear, its possible and provide suggestions for the development of employees. Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales – a public presentation appraisal technique, in which judges assess the employee based on some type of behaviour that reflects the dimensions of work public presentation and do the graduated table. It is a combination of the evaluation graduated table and critical incident techniques of employee public presentation assessment. Management By Objectives ( Comparison with aims ) – is an appraisal method that oriented to the accomplishment of employment marks. In the MBO method, each single employee is given his ain mark, which corresponds to the work unit ends in one period of work. MBO public presentation appraisal methods conducted at the terminal of the period refers to the realisation of the mark. Harmonizing to Jafari, Bourouni and Amiri ( 2009 ) , they propose a model for the choice of appraisal methods and compare some public presentation assessment methods in order to ease the choice procedure for organisations. The model is based on six factors which are developing demands rating, happenstance with institutes, excite staff to be better, ability to compare, cost of method, and free of mistake. This model is theoretical in nature, and is build based on a reappraisal of related literature. The model called Simple Additive Weighting ( SAW ) , and the concluding consequence of their research as shown below:Table 2. The Grade of Performance Appraisal Method based on SAWNo.MethodsMethod ‘s Grades1 Management By Objective 0.91 2 360 Degree Feedback 0.87 3 Parallel barss 0.82 4 The checklist 0.72 5 Forced pick, Ranking 0.66 6 The critical incident 0.54 7 The in writing evaluation graduated table 0.51 8 The essay 0.40 Beginning: Jafari, Bourouni and Amiri ( 2009 ) The tabular array above shows that the method of MBO has top class, because the MBO is the best method of public presentation appraisal. Following, 360-degree feedback, BARS and checklist are the most suited method for the appraisal. Forced pick method and Ranking, include group order ranking, single ranking and paired comparing, are apathetic. It means that if the human resource director uses each of them for their employees ‘ public presentation assessment, his ( or her ) consent will be the same. The critical incident, the in writing evaluation graduated table and the essay are the worst method to utilize. The procedure of public presentation assessment and employee motive are related. Futhermore, in all excessively many instances the relation is negative ; that is, the supervisor who does the evaluation may attach small importance to the procedure and may even resent holding to transport it out. When this attitute rubs off on the employee, there is a negative overall motivational consequence. Under berhaviorally based systems, more positive consequences can be achieved ( Burgess,1984 ) .Motivation vs Salary SystemTypically organisations use compensation to actuate employees. Compensation is a benefit received by employees for services that have been given to the company, it could be fiscal benefits in the signifier of salary, rewards, pay inducements, fillips, insurance, and allowances, and benefits non-financially in the signifier of physical conditions of work environment, and paysheet systems applied by the company. Motivation can non be imposed, the wagess can actuate some employe es but non needfully able to actuate other employees. Employees will be motivated to make better work when they feel that the benefits granted distributed reasonably. Allow a sensed deficiency of just and worthy cause assorted jobs, for which the company must recognize that the system of compensation that is applied will impact employee motive. High employee motive will better employee public presentation which finally will better public presentation of company. Fairness is a fundamental of the compensation or salary system ( Newman & A ; Milkovich, 2004: 8 ) . A statement such as â€Å" just intervention for all employees † reflects a concern for justness. The intent of justness seeks to guarantee equity of compensation to all persons in employment relationships. The intent of justness focal point on doing compensation systems that recognizes both the part of workers ( the higher the public presentation or experience or developing the higher the compensation given ) and the demands of workers ( giving lower limit rewards, or wellness insurance ) . Harmonizing Simamora ( 2004: 449 ) , equity compensation is divided into three, viz. :1. External equityAppropriate pay rates with salary applicable to similar occupations in the external labour market. Assessed by comparing the external equity occupations similar between organisations unparalleled. Two conditions must be met: ( 1 ) . work is being compared must be equal or about equal, and ( 2 ) . the surveyed organisations have a similar size, mission, and its sector.2. Internal equitySalary degrees are appropriate / inappropriate to value the internal work for the company. Internal justness is a map of the comparative position of a occupation in the organisation, the economic value of the work, or societal position of a occupation, such as power, influence, and its position in the hierarchy of the organisation. Associated with a plurality of internal equity in wages between different occupations within an organisation.3. Individual equityIndividual worker feels that he is treated reasonably compared to his co-workers. When a worker receives compensation from the companies, the perceptual experience of equity is influenced by two factors: ( 1 ) the ratio of compensation to the input of attempt, instruction, preparation, opposition to adverse working conditions of a individual, ( 2 ) comparing of this ratio with the ratio of other workers who come into contact with him straight. Salary system created and organized to accomplish certain ends ( Newman & A ; Milkovich, 2004: 7 ) . These aims include efficiency, equity ( equity ) and conformity in conformity with the Torahs and statute law in force. Efficiency objectives specifically include increased productiveness and control cost of labour. Conformity, as a end, related to the execution of all Torahs and ordinances on compensation. When the legal and statutory ordinances are changed, so the compensation system itself besides needs to be adjusted, so that eligibility purposes can go on to run. Salary is a cardinal factor that can impact relationships in the workplace. The degree and distribution of wages and allowances can hold a major influence on the efficiency of any organisation, every bit good as on the morale and productiveness of labour. Therefore it is of import that organisations develop pay systems that suit them, that gives value for money, and that wages workers reasonably for the work they do. Salary system is a method in giving the award to person for his parts to the organisation. Ideally, the system must be simple and clear to follow and understand, so workers can easy happen out how they are affected. ( ACAS Booklet, 2005 ; Simamora, 2004 ) .Conceptual ModelThe conceptual theoretical account of this research company productiveness has relationships with public presentation of employees, and employees public presentation linked with motive. The linkage can be throught of as follows:CorporateProductivenessEmployeePerformanceSalarySystemPerformance Appraisal SystemEmployeeMotivationFair / EquityClear / UnderstandableCompetitiveAimsSporadicallyAppropriate methodBeginning: Created by Author, adopted from many beginning. Figure 3. Linkage among corporate productiveness, public presentation assessment system and salary system Based on the image can be explained that the company productiveness has relationships with public presentation of employees, where the premise that the better public presentation of the employee will do an impact that company productiveness will be better. Furthermore, employees ‘ public presentation is non irrespective of the motive owned by employees. Several factors can impact the motive of employees associated with the public presentation of one of them is the execution of public presentation assessment and wage system. Although many factors that influence employee motive and public presentation. Furthermore, from the image above with the premise that with the execution of an nonsubjective public presentation appraisal, usage of appropriate methods, the periodic executing, and execution of compensation that is just, clear and competitory consequences will be honoring and actuating employees to work better. With high employee motive, it is expected that the public presentati on of employees will increase productiveness of the company which subsequently rose as good. High productiveness is one of the ends of an organisation.Purpose Of This ResearchThe intent of this survey is to cognize the correlativity among, corporate productiveness, public presentation appraisal and salary system, and besides to develop quantitative relationships among them, so can mensurate how motivated person at work.Methodology adoptedThe type of research is experimental research. Sing the experimental research, harmonizing to Landman ( 1988: 82 ) that experimental research is research designed to analyze the causes and effects. The basic construction of this sort of research is the two state of affairss ( the causes and effects ) are assessed to do comparings. Research experiments in rule can be defined as a systematic method to construct relationships that contain the phenomenon of cause and consequence. The construct of the research experiment begins with understanding a simpl e illustration on inquiries associating to how the relationship of one or more variables in certain conditions.Location of researchThis research behavior on figure of companies in Jakarta and Surabaya, Indonesia. Why did Jakarta and Surabaya? First, It might be assumed that Jakarta, as the national capital metropolis, possessed every necessary property to back up a developing economic system: skilled labour ( many university alumnuss went to Jakarta together with other job-seekers ) , a capital market, transit and communicating webs, a haven, airdrome, banking system, and cardinal authorities. Most foreign and domestic investing was allocated to this part. Between 60 and 70 per cent of Indonesia ‘s money supply circulated in the Jakarta megalopolis ( Santosa, 2004 ) . Second, Since the 1940s, East Java has been Indonesia ‘s 2nd major Centre of industrial development after Jakarta. Surabaya, the provincial capital, its 2nd biggest modern metropolis after Jakarta. Profitin g from a business-friendly, dynamic provincial authorities, East Java ‘s industry sector contributed to a provincial growing rate higher than for the Indonesian economic system as a whole. The mean one-year growing rate in East Java in 2005-2006 was 5,8 % , and in 2007-2008, 6,1 % . These figures were higher than the growing rates for Indonesia, which were 5,5 % and 6 % severally. ( Beginning: Planning Board of East Java Province ( Bappeprov ) , 2009 )SamplingThe sample is portion of the population. That means there will non try if there is no population. Population is the component or elements which we shall carefully. Research conducted over the full component is called a nose count. Ideally, that research consequences more trusty, a research worker should carry on the nose count. But for one thing research workers could non analyze all elements that, therefore he can make is analyze some of the whole component or elements earlier. Harmonizing to Sekaran ( 1992 ) , assorted plausible grounds why the research workers did non carry on a nose count among other things ; the population so much so that in pattern it is non possible all the elements studied ; limited research clip, cost, and human resources, the research worker must hold been satisfied if the survey examines some of the elements ; even, sometimes, a survey of samples can be more dependable than on the population. if the elements every bit good as a homogenous population, a survey of all elements of the population to be unreasonable Futhermore, Roscoe ( 1975 ) in Sekaran ( 1992 ) provides counsel on finding the figure of samples as follows: We recommend that sample sizes between 30 to 500 elements, If the sample was split once more into a subsample ( male / female, simple school, Junior / Senior High School, etc. ) , the minimal figure should be 30 subsample, In the multivariate survey ( including multivariate arrested development analysis ) the sample size should be several times larger ( to 10 times ) than the figure of variables to be analyzed. To analyze a simple experiment, with rigorous controls, the sample size can be between 10 to 20 elements. Following Roscoe ( 1975 ) , due to the sort of this research is experimental research, therefore sample sizes between 10 and 20 are appropriate for this research. Therefore, it is decided to aim a sum of 13 companies, which is have location at Jakarta and Surabaya conducted in randomize. The surveyed corporations have different type of ownership and are from different sectors. The corporations can be state-owned, local, private, a foreign-owned or join venture and belong to service and the fabrication sectors. The figure of samples is considered effectual based on the available figure of establishments, research inquiries investigated ( Cavana, Delahaye & A ; Sekaran, 2001 ) , and besides this affair because of restriction of cost and clip in this research. The respondents of this research are HRD Managers / HR Specialist / HR Supervisor in the sampled houses.Beginning of Data and Instruments of ResearchIn this research, the beginning of informations divide into two sorts ; primary i nformations and secondary informations. Primary informations include questionnaire study for analysing execution of public presentation assessment system and salary system, besides conduct interviews with respondents sampled. For secondary informations include company study, papers that relevant, and literature reappraisals. The major instruments used for informations aggregation in this research were questionnaire and interview. However, the interview method was merely used to supplement the questionnaires that were distributed to the respondents. The research worker made the questionnaires anon. by intentionally excluding such sensitive inquiries like name of the respondent because of its utility to the research. In informations aggregation non merely by utilizing questionnaire and interview, but besides certification. Data collection of obtained daring of this research topographic point organisation is done, that is documentation refering informations of employees ‘ public presentation, company profile, company location, and others. In fixing the questionnaire in this survey, the research worker refered to the ACAS brochure ( 2005 ) which explained the general rules in explicating a good public presentation assessment system: what is the intent of public presentation appraisal? , who should be assessed? , who conducted the appraisal? , how frequently should the appraisal take topographic point? , what methods are used in measuring employee public presentation? , how the interviews conducted? . Besides sing to the salary system: Is a salary system just, simple and clear to follow and understand, so workers can easy happen out how they are affected? The research worker determines the weights of instrument based on literature study, which is each of the replies in the questionnaire is given weight with scale interval 1-10. Then, from each of those replies made rank, in which points that have replies highest weight is the consequence of the most ideal or suited harmonizing to the research workers, and so on. The weight is given to find the place of each of the replies compared to other replies. For the intent of this survey, productiveness was treated as the dependant variable while public presentation assesment system and salary system as independent variable. The definition of variable operational are: Dependent Variables is coporate productiveness Corporate Productivity ( Y ) : dependant variable has been measured by how much net net income from trading divided by the entire figure of employees of the house. Independent Variables have been defined as follows: Performance appraisal system ( X1 ) : This variable has been defined as the public presentation appraisal that implemented by the company, include the aim of public presentation assessment, sort of public presentation assessment, frequency of public presentation assessment have been behavior, the clip consume for for complete the procedure of public presentation assessment, the methods that used to measure employees public presentation, execution of public presentation assessment system. Salary system ( X2 ) : This variable has been defined as wage system which behavior, about equity, fight, and lucidity of salary systemFactorial DesignIn this survey, research workers used a factorial design to look into the influence of two independent variables on a individual dependant variable. Factorial design is really utile for research workers and field scientists in carry oning preliminary surveies, which allows them to measure whether there is a relationship between variables or non, while cut downing the possibility of experimental mistake and confounding variables. Factorial design represent application equation of regresi that is technique to give relation theoretical account among respon variable with one or more independent variable. Factorial design used on test to find simulationly consequence from some factor and important interaction ( Bolton, 1997 ) . Factorial design two degree mean there is two factor ( for illustration A and B ) what is the each factor tested at two different degree, that is low degree and high degree. Equation of factorial design shall be as follows:Y = b0 + b1XA + b2 XB + b12 XAXBY = Corporate productiveness ( NPAT/number of employees ) . XA = Performance assesment system XB = Salary system b0, b1, b2, b12 = coefficient or constanta, can cipher from consequence of experiment. OR Y = I ±*X1 + I?*X2 +I?*X1 X2Field StudyTable 1. The Companies Name, Status, Location and Type as SampledNOCompany NameStatusLocationType1 PT. KG POE ‘s Surabaya Retail 2 PT. CF POE ‘s Surabaya Retail 3 PT. WA POE ‘s Gresik Cement Distributor 4 PT. IN POE ‘s Djakarta Printing & A ; Printing 5 PT. TK SOE ‘s Mojokerto Fabrication, Pulp & A ; Paper 6 PT. MAC POE ‘s Surabaya Servicess /Health 7 PT. RZ POE ‘s Surabaya Servicess / Advertising & A ; Event Organizer 8 PT. PG SOE ‘s Djakarta Fabrication, Instalation 9 PT. HAI POE ‘s Djakarta Fabrication, Food 10 PT. ABDA POE ‘s Djakarta Finance & A ; Insurance 11 PT. TMP POE ‘s Djakarta Printing & A ; Printing 12 PT. WK SOE ‘s Djakarta Construction Servicess 13 PT. UM POE ‘s Malang Fabrication, TobbacosNote:POE ‘s = Private Owned Enterprise SOE ‘s = State Owned Enterprise From the tabular array above can be explained that in this survey the figure of houses selected indiscriminately sampled, located in Jakarta, Surabaya and its environing countries with assorted types and countries of production. Where there are 10 companies are private-owned companies and 3 state-owned companies.NoCompany NameNet net income 2009 / twelvemonth ( IDR )Number of employeesProductivity / Year1 PT. KG 7.800.000.000,00 155 50.322.580,65 2 PT. CF,00 150 60.000.000,00 3 PT. WA 49.440.000.000,00 121 408.595.041,32 4 PT. IN 108.199.710.608,00 700 154.571.015,15 5 PT. TK 378.580.000.000,00 12.844 29.475.241,36 6 PT. MAC,00 187 288.770.053,48 7 PT. RZ 523.000.000,00 55 9.509.090,91 8 PT. PG,00 1.700 3.664.143.233,13 9 PT. HAI,00 3.009 997.008.973,08 10 PT. ABDA,00 450 31.304.444,44 11 PT. TMP,00 195 15.384.615,38 12 PT. WK 132.621.941.132,00 6.000 22.103.656,86 13 PT. UM 59.825.400.000,00 600 99.709.000,00 Beginning: Primary Data, 2010 Explanation how the study was done ConsequenceNOCompany NameX1 SumX2 SumPRODUCTIVITY / Year1 PT. KG 33 18 50.322.580,65 2 PT. CF 42 18 60.000.000,00 3 PT. WA 48 24 408.595.041,32 4 PT. IN 72 24 154.571.015,15 5 PT. TK 78 21 29.475.241,36 6 PT. MAC 85 24 288.770.053,48 7 PT. RZ 34 18 9.509.090,91 8 PT. PG 54 18 3.664.143.233,13 9 PT. HAI 36 21 997.008.973,08 10 PT. ABDA 60 24 31.304.444,44 11 PT. TMP 56 21 15.384.615,38 12 PT. WK 44 18 22.103.656,86 13 PT. UM 48 24 99.709.000,00Development of Correlation FunctionDecision and Recommendations

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Historical Problems

Woodrow Wilson has been described as â€Å"cold, aloof and often arrogant, but he was not all intellect. † By the time Wilson was elected governor of New Jersey he had never held a political office, and had never taken more than a theorist’s interest in politics. Wilson’s personal view on how the Presidential office should be run is to lead a country rather than to be lead. He believed that a president should act like a prime minister and not be isolated from Congress.Wilson himself dreamed of a utopian society and amongst his intellectual supporters believed that this â€Å"most terrible and disastrous wars† could be countenanced only by perceiving of it as the harbinger of eternal peace. The utopian spirit of the war took concrete form in Wilson’s proposal of a postwar federation of nations, in itself not a utopian scheme but one which, from the first, was freighted with utopian aspirations. Though Wilson may have been an effective war president b y delegating responsibilities to those qualified his aspirations for a perfect world and his sentiments of â€Å"peace without victory† obscured his reality.President Wilson presented his ideas for peace in his famous Fourteen Points address on January 8, 1918. Wilson’s chief goal was to have the treaty provide for the formation of a League of Nations. He hoped that the threat of economic or military punishment from League members, including Germany, would prevent future wars. Though Wilson held a prominent role in drafting the Treaty of Versailles, and would later receive the Nobel Peace Prize for, the other major Allies, however, had little interest in honoring either Wilson’s Fourteen Points or all his goals for the League of Nations.The allies had suffered far greater losses and wanted to punish Germany severely. Strong opposition to the treaty developed in the United States. Many Americans disagreed with Wilson’s generous approach to worn-torn Europe . Republicans objected to U. S. commitments to the League of Nations. The U. S. Senate refused to approve the treaty. Also blocking the passage of the League of Nations was the personal and political conflicts between Wilson and Henry Cabot Lodge. Lodge, who was then the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, insisted the specific and limiting changes be ade to protect U. S. interests. Wilson would not compromise. Unable and perhaps unwilling to reach an agreement with Wilson, Lodge used his power and position to ensure the defeat of the treaty—and prevent American participation in the League of Nations. As to whether or not the postwar would have been different if the United States had accepted and entered the League of Nations, it is unlikely. America’s refusal to join the League, fitted in with her desire to have an isolationist policy throughout the world.Therefore, the League had a final ideal – to end war for good. However, if an aggressor nat ion was determined enough to ignore the League’s verbal warnings, all the League could do was enforce economic sanctions and hope these worked as it had no chance of enforcing its decisions using military might. Postwar 1920 brought many radical changes to Americans by the advancement in technology, discoveries, and inventions. Pop culture during the 1920’s was characterized by the flapper, automobiles, nightclubs, movies, and jazz.Life moved fast as a new sense of prosperity and freedom emerged at the end of World War 1. The 1920’s gave American’s radio, films, advertisements, and new literature to ponder. 1915 gave us a movie milestone in The Birth of a Nation, produced by D. W. Griffith. American’s were also given notable authors as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Booth Tarkington, Ernest Hemingway, and Sinclair Lewis. Authors of this period struggled to understand the changes occurring in society. While some writers praised the changes others expressed di sappointment in the passing of old ways.But not before the printing press had American’s been brought together by shrinking the distances between people and homes. â€Å"Of all the new products put on the market during the decade, none met with more spectacular success than the radio. † The radio brought into American homes commercials, stories, news, music, sports, and advertisement. Improvements in radio broadcasting and radio manufacturing itself quickly became a big business. Along with the increasing availability of free-home entertainment it created a soaring demand for radios.The 1920’s were wrought with many issues of cultural conflict, prejudices, nativism, and moral policing. Widespread abuse of alcohol had been recognized as a serious social problem since the colonial days, in rural America as well as in cities, and â€Å"demon rum† had been long condemned from many Protestant pulpits during the 1920’s. Prohibition was the governmentâ₠¬â„¢s solution to protect women, children, and families from the effects of abuse of alcohol, in other words, moral policing.Another example of moral policing today can be found in the controversial topic of legalizing marijuana. â€Å"Conversely, their omission in the present debate reflects the unfortunate reality that marijuana prohibition is perpetuated not by science, but rather by emotion and rhetoric. † The topic of nativism can be shown in three primary issues: immigration restriction, the KKK, and the cases of Sacco and Vanzetti. The old culture was generally anti-immigrant and tended to blame many of the problems of urban industrial American on immigrants.During the 1920’s the old culture, which was extremely nativist in attitude, was able to pass several immigration restriction laws which both lowered the number of immigrants to the U. S. and limited the numbers immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, which the old culture was particularly against. They did this through the quota system, set up in the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921 (and the revised with the 1924 National Origins Act) which established a certain number of immigrants from each country to be allowed into the U.S. per year. Each country’s quota was based on a percentage (3%) of people of that nation in the U. S. in the base year of (1910). The â€Å"rebirth† of the KKK was another sign of the nativism of the 1920’s as this â€Å"new† KKK was not only black, but also anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant. So have American’s learned their lesson from the 1920’s and have they changed their attitudes concerning nativism, moral policing, and are we still considered a prejudice country?In the year 2011, do American’s still consider them as being progressive and that they refuse to repeat history? Nativisim and prejudices can still be felt and seen throughout the United States. Our country is still debating nativism in the current situation with illegal immigrants. Newspapers, television shows, the radio, and internet are covered in stories of immigration policies. Our country is still swarmed with prejudices between races, religions, and lifestyles. It is our history to repeat and forget our past mistakes.As stated before, the 1920’s brought many radical changes to America with the advancement in technology, discoveries, and inventions. Pop culture in the 1920’s was characterized by the flapper, automobiles, nightclubs, movies, and music. Life moved fast as a new sense of prosperity and freedom emerged at the end of World War I. In many ways our current era is like that of the 1920’s. Our society is now connected to each other via the internet, and Facebook. On the spot news is even better now with television and radio and better yet the cell phone.Society is overrun with the most current, up-to-date news, even if no one cares what reading or hearing about. We are still a drug crazed and alcohol abusing society with fast cars, outrageous clothes and hairstyles. It just may be that we are going at a faster pace than those in the 1920’s. What can be seen differently is that maybe our morals have diminished in some aspects of society. Not that all society can be defined as a whole, as there are still those in our current society and those of the 1920’s that still and did value self respect, morals, God, and country.Works Cited 1920-1930. 1920’s Literature. 2005. (accessed March 6, 2011. Content, new. Woodrow Wilson. (accessed March 6, 2011). Durant, John; Durant Alice. Pictorial History of American Presidents: An informal record of the President’s and their times from George Washington to Lyndon B. Johnson. New York: A.S. Barnes and Company Inc. 1965: 77-78 Learning History. League of Nations. 2011. (accessed March 6, 2011). Leuchgenburg, William E. The Perils of Prosperity 1914-1932. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1993: 349 NORML. Government & Private Commissions Supporting Marijuana Law Reform. 2010. (accessed March 6, 2011). Raford. Nativism (as part of the 1920’s culture conflict. 1997. (accessed March 6, 2011). Time Life Edito rs. The Jazz Era, Prohibition.Alexandria. Time Life Inc., 1998: Time Life Editors. Events That Shaped Our Century, Our American Century. Alexandria, 1998:

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Importance of the Curriculum to the Society by Phunziro Mphwina

PURPOSE OF THE CURRICULUM TO THE SOCIETY Introduction In 1995 Hornby described education as a process of training and instruction of children and young people in educational institutions which is designed to give knowledge and develop skills useful to the society. This process is centred by a number of planned activities which hold the potentials of imparting the skills significant to the society just as the definition points out.An outline or structure of these activities is what makes up an educational curriculum. Pillai (1984; p5) defines the curriculum as a comprehensive plan for an educational training programme or course to offer new or improved manpower to fulfil the rising needs of a dynamic society . Below is a discussion of some of the purposes of the curriculum to the society. * The curriculum serves the function of a tool for societal development.The curriculum include important and knowledge to be imparted on the learners, this is to say that there is a supplement of ide as on the students despite their innate intelligence. These new ideas help in discoveries that may assist in the society’s growth for example, new ways of increasing agricultural productivity. A student at school may encounter an idea that may help in the increase of agricultural outputs and if he implements this new idea, the society to which he belongs, would develop economically.A point which Jacobs (1997, p23) agrees with by saying that â€Å"education is the realization of each person’s unique potentialities thus, education focuses on the social conditions that block the fullest realisation of individual potentialities as it emphasizes on the changes in the present system required to bring about a more humanistic society†. This is just to say that education allows learners to make important contributions to the societies to which they belong, on the other hand enhancing the development of their particular societies. The curriculum also works as a source of societal cohesion. Webster (2011, p365) described a society as an enduring and cooperating social group whose members have developed organized patterns of relationships through interaction with one another. This togetherness is partially achieved through the curriculum in that the curriculum holds distinctive aims and objectives and these are shared amongst all kinds of members of educational institutions across the nation.This is to say that there are similar goals set across the communities of the nation despite the societal differences. To achieve these goals and objectives the society members must share ideas and cooperate and this fosters cohesion as members of different communities are inclined to come together and formulate ways by which they can attain their shared goals. The curriculum serving the purpose of cohesion fostering element amongst members of the society. * The curriculum holds the purpose of effective societal problem solving.Basing on one of the ideologies on w hich education is found, it can be easily said that education can be used for effective societal problem solving, whereby the curriculum happens to be an integral part of the education system. Adopting such an ideology thus education for problem solving, it means that the curriculum in this case must pertain to such an ideology. Whereby it has to include activities and experiences that will allow students attain effective methods of problem solving. In this case the curriculum being used as a tool for effective problem solving.If student undergo experiences of such a curriculum it means they will positively contribute to their particular societies in terms of problem solving. Hence the curriculum depicting the purpose of effective problem solving in the society. Brosnan (1999, p64) agrees by saying that â€Å"the individual is a unique personality who finds his greatest satisfaction in self-expression in response to the changing world†. Thus humans find it less of a burden wh en they speak out their suggestions and solutions to particular problems affecting the society and this is exactly what the curriculum offers through the educational system. The curriculum works as tool for awareness in the society. In the experiences included in the educational curriculum, there are relevant topics that each and every person is to be aware of, for example in Social studies are concerning human rights, child and women’s welfare. These are some of the important things that are rendered to the students under the guidance of the curriculum, when these learners accommodate such ideas and dissipate them on those that happen to be of a shared society as these learners, the curriculum may work as an agent of awareness.This would be so as the learners would function as messengers in their societies as they will let the others know their rights and entitlements. Hence the curriculum serving the purpose of an awareness agent in the society. * The curriculum serves the purpose of societal problem identification. This idea comes about during the development of the curriculum, where a number of steps are covered on of which is that of identifying the background of a nation before coming up with the curriculum.As the professionals struggle to come up with basis of a country they also realise the problem that a nation goes through both in the social economic and cultural context. These problems are implicitly addressed in the activities that are included in the curriculum, thus for example commerce studies which equips students with commercial skills, may help eradicate financial problems that members of the society encounter. Hence the curriculum serving the function of problem identification and solution implementation in the society. * The curriculum as an element for cultural preservation and continuity in the society.Knowing that different societies hold different beliefs and values, the curriculum put into account these differences. This is done when the professionals are formulating the curriculum they tend to include some of the major beliefs and values that the children must be equipped with in older to achieve cultural preservation and continuity. Inclusion of experiences that hold cultural values does not only ensure cultural continuity but also enable the students to recognise their national and cultural identities, how they are developed, and how they can be maintained in their respective societies (O’Neill, 1990; p78).Thus the curriculum being in the position of enhancing cultural preservation and continuity in the society. * Ethical function of the curriculum The curriculum being at the centre of the education system, it holds all sorts of functions along with it, one of which includes social control. In this case the curriculum helps in maintenance of law and older in the society, whereby the curriculum gives learners the access to instruction for proper behaviour and personal conduct, for example, at scho ols children are taught not to steak from others rather to ask for whatever they want in a polite manner.This is the expected mode of conduct which helps reduce cases of increased rates of thieves as these youngsters are nurtured to behave in the required way in their early stages of life. In this case inclusion of such elements in the curriculum enables members of the society to be morally sound. Hence the curriculum serving the function of ensuring ethical conduct. * The curriculum helping in shaping the society The International Educational Agency (I. E.R) report (2006, p3), pin pointed that the curriculum as the core of the education system helps equip students with better skills of reflection which is a vital element for students to grow as learners and as useful citizens of the society. Coupled with the skills of gathering and organising information students have constant opportunities to practice responsible self-direction in the society. In addition, much of the curriculum i s concerned with allowing students to learn about how people live in other places, times and how they are expected to influence the society.These understandings help students to develop high levels of self-awareness. This all can be achieved through the curriculum hence the curriculum helping in shaping the society by producing students that will be able to effectively self-guide themselves in the society. Conclusion Despite the strengths that govern the curriculum, there are a lot of shortfalls that can be corrected, for example inclusion of the rights of those in minority, thus the disabled, elderly just to mention a few. These also happen to be part and parcel of the society, whereby the topics of awareness included in the curriculum seem to dwell much on the abled.Consideration of teacher’s expertise when it comes to their familiarity with the materials and methods prescribed to be used in the teaching and learning process, this is to say that the curriculum indicates tha t it assumes that teachers are conversant with the materials they are expected to use in the teaching and learning process. Even though the curriculum assigns teachers to particular topic to teach, it does not opt for a follow up on whether there is observation of the prescribed topics and see if the required values are really being imparted on to the learners for the society’s benefit.REFERENCES Brosnan, M. J. (1999). Modelling Technophobia: a case for word processing Computers in Human Behaviour, New York; Guilford Hornby, A. S. (1995). Oxford dictionary: advanced learners edition 5, London; Oxford press International Education Agency, (2006). Report: Society and environment curriculum, revised edition: I. E. A Jacobs, D. (1996). LISREL8 user's reference guide, Illinois, USA: Scientific Software International. O'Neill, W. F. (1990). Educational Ideologies Contemporary Expressions of Educational Philosophy, Iowa: Kendall / Hunt Publishing CompanyPillai B. M. (1984). Smart sc hools: Better thinking and learning for every child, New York, USA: The Free Press. Webster, M. (2011). Higher Education in the 21st Century: Futures, New Jersey: USA Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF MALAWI FACULTY OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF FOUNDATION STUDIES COURSE TITLE: CURRICULUM THEORY AND PRACTICE COOURSE CODE: EDU 3102 TO: Mrs O Nampanda FROM: Phunziro B. M Mphwina ASSIGNMENT: THE PURPOSE OF THE CURRICULUM TO THE SOCIETY DUE DATE 22/03/13 Importance of the Curriculum to the Society by Phunziro Mphwina PURPOSE OF THE CURRICULUM TO THE SOCIETY Introduction In 1995 Hornby described education as a process of training and instruction of children and young people in educational institutions which is designed to give knowledge and develop skills useful to the society. This process is centred by a number of planned activities which hold the potentials of imparting the skills significant to the society just as the definition points out.An outline or structure of these activities is what makes up an educational curriculum. Pillai (1984; p5) defines the curriculum as a comprehensive plan for an educational training programme or course to offer new or improved manpower to fulfil the rising needs of a dynamic society . Below is a discussion of some of the purposes of the curriculum to the society. * The curriculum serves the function of a tool for societal development.The curriculum include important and knowledge to be imparted on the learners, this is to say that there is a supplement of ide as on the students despite their innate intelligence. These new ideas help in discoveries that may assist in the society’s growth for example, new ways of increasing agricultural productivity. A student at school may encounter an idea that may help in the increase of agricultural outputs and if he implements this new idea, the society to which he belongs, would develop economically.A point which Jacobs (1997, p23) agrees with by saying that â€Å"education is the realization of each person’s unique potentialities thus, education focuses on the social conditions that block the fullest realisation of individual potentialities as it emphasizes on the changes in the present system required to bring about a more humanistic society†. This is just to say that education allows learners to make important contributions to the societies to which they belong, on the other hand enhancing the development of their particular societies. The curriculum also works as a source of societal cohesion. Webster (2011, p365) described a society as an enduring and cooperating social group whose members have developed organized patterns of relationships through interaction with one another. This togetherness is partially achieved through the curriculum in that the curriculum holds distinctive aims and objectives and these are shared amongst all kinds of members of educational institutions across the nation.This is to say that there are similar goals set across the communities of the nation despite the societal differences. To achieve these goals and objectives the society members must share ideas and cooperate and this fosters cohesion as members of different communities are inclined to come together and formulate ways by which they can attain their shared goals. The curriculum serving the purpose of cohesion fostering element amongst members of the society. * The curriculum holds the purpose of effective societal problem solving.Basing on one of the ideologies on w hich education is found, it can be easily said that education can be used for effective societal problem solving, whereby the curriculum happens to be an integral part of the education system. Adopting such an ideology thus education for problem solving, it means that the curriculum in this case must pertain to such an ideology. Whereby it has to include activities and experiences that will allow students attain effective methods of problem solving. In this case the curriculum being used as a tool for effective problem solving.If student undergo experiences of such a curriculum it means they will positively contribute to their particular societies in terms of problem solving. Hence the curriculum depicting the purpose of effective problem solving in the society. Brosnan (1999, p64) agrees by saying that â€Å"the individual is a unique personality who finds his greatest satisfaction in self-expression in response to the changing world†. Thus humans find it less of a burden wh en they speak out their suggestions and solutions to particular problems affecting the society and this is exactly what the curriculum offers through the educational system. The curriculum works as tool for awareness in the society. In the experiences included in the educational curriculum, there are relevant topics that each and every person is to be aware of, for example in Social studies are concerning human rights, child and women’s welfare. These are some of the important things that are rendered to the students under the guidance of the curriculum, when these learners accommodate such ideas and dissipate them on those that happen to be of a shared society as these learners, the curriculum may work as an agent of awareness.This would be so as the learners would function as messengers in their societies as they will let the others know their rights and entitlements. Hence the curriculum serving the purpose of an awareness agent in the society. * The curriculum serves the purpose of societal problem identification. This idea comes about during the development of the curriculum, where a number of steps are covered on of which is that of identifying the background of a nation before coming up with the curriculum.As the professionals struggle to come up with basis of a country they also realise the problem that a nation goes through both in the social economic and cultural context. These problems are implicitly addressed in the activities that are included in the curriculum, thus for example commerce studies which equips students with commercial skills, may help eradicate financial problems that members of the society encounter. Hence the curriculum serving the function of problem identification and solution implementation in the society. * The curriculum as an element for cultural preservation and continuity in the society.Knowing that different societies hold different beliefs and values, the curriculum put into account these differences. This is done when the professionals are formulating the curriculum they tend to include some of the major beliefs and values that the children must be equipped with in older to achieve cultural preservation and continuity. Inclusion of experiences that hold cultural values does not only ensure cultural continuity but also enable the students to recognise their national and cultural identities, how they are developed, and how they can be maintained in their respective societies (O’Neill, 1990; p78).Thus the curriculum being in the position of enhancing cultural preservation and continuity in the society. * Ethical function of the curriculum The curriculum being at the centre of the education system, it holds all sorts of functions along with it, one of which includes social control. In this case the curriculum helps in maintenance of law and older in the society, whereby the curriculum gives learners the access to instruction for proper behaviour and personal conduct, for example, at scho ols children are taught not to steak from others rather to ask for whatever they want in a polite manner.This is the expected mode of conduct which helps reduce cases of increased rates of thieves as these youngsters are nurtured to behave in the required way in their early stages of life. In this case inclusion of such elements in the curriculum enables members of the society to be morally sound. Hence the curriculum serving the function of ensuring ethical conduct. * The curriculum helping in shaping the society The International Educational Agency (I. E.R) report (2006, p3), pin pointed that the curriculum as the core of the education system helps equip students with better skills of reflection which is a vital element for students to grow as learners and as useful citizens of the society. Coupled with the skills of gathering and organising information students have constant opportunities to practice responsible self-direction in the society. In addition, much of the curriculum i s concerned with allowing students to learn about how people live in other places, times and how they are expected to influence the society.These understandings help students to develop high levels of self-awareness. This all can be achieved through the curriculum hence the curriculum helping in shaping the society by producing students that will be able to effectively self-guide themselves in the society. Conclusion Despite the strengths that govern the curriculum, there are a lot of shortfalls that can be corrected, for example inclusion of the rights of those in minority, thus the disabled, elderly just to mention a few. These also happen to be part and parcel of the society, whereby the topics of awareness included in the curriculum seem to dwell much on the abled.Consideration of teacher’s expertise when it comes to their familiarity with the materials and methods prescribed to be used in the teaching and learning process, this is to say that the curriculum indicates tha t it assumes that teachers are conversant with the materials they are expected to use in the teaching and learning process. Even though the curriculum assigns teachers to particular topic to teach, it does not opt for a follow up on whether there is observation of the prescribed topics and see if the required values are really being imparted on to the learners for the society’s benefit.REFERENCES Brosnan, M. J. (1999). Modelling Technophobia: a case for word processing Computers in Human Behaviour, New York; Guilford Hornby, A. S. (1995). Oxford dictionary: advanced learners edition 5, London; Oxford press International Education Agency, (2006). Report: Society and environment curriculum, revised edition: I. E. A Jacobs, D. (1996). LISREL8 user's reference guide, Illinois, USA: Scientific Software International. O'Neill, W. F. (1990). Educational Ideologies Contemporary Expressions of Educational Philosophy, Iowa: Kendall / Hunt Publishing CompanyPillai B. M. (1984). Smart sc hools: Better thinking and learning for every child, New York, USA: The Free Press. Webster, M. (2011). Higher Education in the 21st Century: Futures, New Jersey: USA Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF MALAWI FACULTY OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF FOUNDATION STUDIES COURSE TITLE: CURRICULUM THEORY AND PRACTICE COOURSE CODE: EDU 3102 TO: Mrs O Nampanda FROM: Phunziro B. M Mphwina ASSIGNMENT: THE PURPOSE OF THE CURRICULUM TO THE SOCIETY DUE DATE 22/03/13

Friday, September 27, 2019

Application Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Application Personal Statement - Essay Example In line with this, I facilitated the selling of various computer and video games as well as other utility and office software among others. To effectively fulfill this position, one should need to have the passion for the game industry and computer technology in general. From my working experience, I am able to gain substantial knowledge with regard to these subject matters. For instance, I observed that majority of the game software sold in the market are made in Japan. With this, I realized the immensity of the game industry in Japan as relatively more computer and video games are launched from the country than in any other nations in the world. In addition, I observed the degree of specialization of the Japanese game industry as more people are employed to work in developing a particular game as compared to their Western counterpart. After further research, I learned that the United States and Japan are the largest markets for computer and video games in the world as indicated by the popularity of Microsoft's Xbox (US-made) and Sony's Playstation (Japan-made). In this industry, there is intense competition between these products, however, Playstation is still the market leader in terms of sales to date due to the wider selection of teen adult games offered and the creative game design. Given my fascination with the industry, I also learned that in the United States alone, the entire industry is able t... Apart from the game industry, my previous employment has made me well aware of the importance as well as how the quality of life has improved with the advent of computer technology. In this regard, I aspire to make substantial contributions in this field by bringing about the development in information technology as may be required in the future. With my involvement in the game shop, I also learned that the entire industry is plagued with illegal activities such as hacking and piracy. I reckon that these significant issues may be address by the further development of computer technology by computer engineers and scientists of our generation. Moreover, my experience has inspired me to develop new game machines and software that will have positive net effect to the public. My exposure to different types of customers in the game shop helps me understand that one of the primary concerns for computer innovation and technological inventions is their overall impact to the users. This is a vital part of the ethics of computer technology. In order to succeed, one should be aware of this responsibility towards the public and provide them with high quality and beneficial products. With my inclination in the game industry and computer technology as a whole, I believe that it is in my best interest to major in a computer-related course in this University. This academic institution offers comprehensive curricula and rigorous training that bring out the best in its students. Furthermore, it employs highly competitive professors, who are experts in their respective fields, from whom students can learn efficiently. (Word count: 600

Thursday, September 26, 2019

American Academy of Physicians Assistants Essay

American Academy of Physicians Assistants - Essay Example The organization strives to enhance an improvement in healthcare through efforts to improve on the quality of the healthcare, the accessibility, and cost effectiveness (DEA Publishes Final Rule to Reclassify Hydrocodone Combination Products. (n.d.). The organization is guided by a comprehensive strategic plan through which the purpose for their existence is well laid out. Through such a comprehensive plan, the organization intends to achieve an acceleration of reforms both at the national and at the state levels majoring on increased access to healthcare and a reduction in costs (American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA)., 2012). They also intend to ensure that the patients who visit various healthcare centers get the value for their money. Through their consumer centric healthcare approach, the organization wants to make sure that key health decision making is left in the hands of the consumers of the products together with the key organizations who play a major role in the industry. They as well intend through competitive healthcare structures that the consumer get quality. Thie is well planned by way of consolidating the industry and the vertical integration of all the industry players. Such strategies are intended to open up the playing field making sure that there is a level play ground hence players are able to come in with their varied models (DEA Publishes Final Rule to Reclassify Hydrocodone Combination Products. (n.d.). These and more are the main issues that the society have come to realize as having an impact on the American population. Therefore, they are position the Pas by equipping them with skills and knowledge to combat such challenges head on. Through the values the organization stand for such as leadership and service, unity and teamwork, accountability and transparency as well as excellence and equity: the organization is able to impact positively on their stakeholders. The patients in the US as a result will be in the position

Homework for Eco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Homework for Eco - Essay Example It is only through capital investment and not capital consumption that growth can be experienced in the economy (Callum). In the Chinese and Middle East context, Faber notes that the Chinese economy is a growing economy due to its investment and increased production rather than consumption. Additionally, China exports to the developing and emerging economies totally by passing the old world order. However, its overdependence on the raw materials such as oils from the Middle East could be an undoing in the future. Middle East is known for its instability and therefore the overdependence on their oil for production could greatly affect the economy (Callum). The approach reduces the moral hazard by ensuring that the creditors do not experience losses. This is due to the fact that losses on the creditors’ side have more detrimental effect on the institution than the loss of Equity by the institution. Creditors impact more on the company than the equity holders. The Creditors can easily cause more losses in case they themselves incur losses. It is ideal than a rescue that protects both creditors and equity holders (Mark). This approach eliminates the problem completely due to the fact the owner who has all the liberty to invest on behalf of the creditor and who has access to more information acts responsibly. This is due to the fact the owner incurs charges and possible losses in case of poor investment options. Senator Lincoln proposed that the commercial banks be forbidden to trade derivative securities in 2010. This is with the intent of preventing the banks from using the cheap deposits to subsidize risky derivative businesses. The proposal also prevents banks from using emergency banking facilities. This proposal encourages financial intermediaries to divest their derivatives by forbidding the government from giving these banks assistants such as tax breaks (Yves). Despite the fact the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Commercialization of Organ Transplants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Commercialization of Organ Transplants - Essay Example This report manages to identify the main arguments for and against commercialization of body organs. The arguments for commercialization this paper identifies are, the need to save people’s lives through increased supply of the organs, and the need to find a body organ that is compatible with that of the patient. Arguments against commercialization that this paper identifies are, it leads to emergence of criminal activities like murder, and can lead to the health failures of the donor. From this report, we can learn that it is unethical to commercialize organ donation. This report uses the utilitarian perspective in justifying why organ donation is unethical. Utilitarian theory is concerned with the end results of an action, if the results can lead to happiness, then the action is justified. Commercialization of body organs does not lead to happiness, and therefore it is unethical. Commercialization of an individual’s body organ will most definitely lead to the loss of ethics, and integrity within the society. This report makes a conclusion that commercialization of an individual’s body organ can lead to the emergence of health risks to the person donating the organ. This is because people who are not fit to provide a donation of their body organ may be motivated by money, and thus donate their organs. Due to this inappropriate donation, the person selling his or her body organs might die due to health failures that occur as a result of the donation they made. On this basis, the government must regulate on who qualifies to donate their body organs. ... This is because people who are not fit to provide a donation of their body organ may be motivated by money, and thus donate their organs (Egendorf, 2009). Due to this inappropriate donation, the person selling his or her body organs might die due to health failures that occur as a result of the donation they made. On this basis, the government must regulate on who qualifies to donate their body organs. Commercialization of an individual’s body organ will most definitely lead to the loss of ethics, and integrity within the society. This is because people might coerce mentally unstable individuals to sale their body organs (Egendorf, 2009). This is because they are viewed as vulnerable, and easy to manipulate. It might also increase the rate of crime within a society. This is because criminals might resort to killing their victims, for purposes of removing their body organs for sale. There can also be a coercion and extortion of patients who are on the verge of death. This is in regard to selling their body organs, to other patients who need it (Wo?hlke, 2011). Medical practitioners can pressurize the patient to sale his or her body organs because they are dying and they won’t need them. But the money might be used to carter for their families. This is unethical practice in acquiring body organs for transplantation. My Position in regard to commercialization of human body organs: It is morally wrong and unethical to commercialize the donation of human body organs. This is because people will seek to sale their body organs, irrespective of their health abilities to make such a donation. Commercializing the sale of body organs will also lead to the rise of criminal

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Bankruptcy Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bankruptcy Law - Essay Example Each case can file any of these types of bankruptcy, however, a specific chapter may be better suited for each individual case. Chapter 11 is mainly bankruptcy for business and its purpose is to reorganize the debt of the business. Reorganization divides the credit accounts into different classes and assets are then liquefied and distributed. The debtor can devise a plan of reorganization for the approval of the court within a 120-day deadline or the debtor can request a court appointed trustee to plan the reorganization. This chapter of bankruptcy allows the business to continue to operate during the bankruptcy under the supervision of Bankruptcy Court. Chapter 11 allows for liquidation of the business assets that are not immediately needed for the operation of the business and a plan for payment of the assets needed for the operation of the business. This will allow the sole proprietor in this case to stay in business and she can change her business to a more suitable and profitable business under the supervision of the court while at the same time eliminating the majority of her debt. In this case, the debtor should file chapter 7 bankruptcy. The debtor is assigned a trustee who liquidates assets and then divides the proceeds fairly among the creditors.

Monday, September 23, 2019

What were Antoine Augustin Parmentier achievements and what did he Essay

What were Antoine Augustin Parmentier achievements and what did he contribute to French gastronomy - Essay Example In 1772 he scooped the prize of Besancon academy owing to his findings of potato nutrients. The study on the chemical and physical properties of milk earned him the prize of Royal Society Medicine in the year 1790. He also won the same prize in the year 1791 owing to his study on blood’s chemical information (Wisniak 2010, p. 144). Napoleon Bonaparte awarded him with the Legion of Honor in the year 1802. He significantly contributed in gastronomy in several ways including establishing the chemical and physical properties of milk and potato as a food crop. On request of Societe de Medicine, Antoine-Augustin together with Deyeux carried studies on the milk of cow, woman and goat to ascertain their chemical and physical properties. These studies enabled them to present agricultural economic aspects of milk (cheese and butter production and production of milk alcohol) and medical aspects of milk (milk’s impact on physical feelings, food and mood) (Wisniak 2010, p. 147). Assuming bread as the base of food for human being, he carried out studies on potatoes to determine if it was fit for consumption. He found that potato contained starch which was sweet and healthy for consumption (Wisniak 2010, p.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Americans Bias Against Muslims Essay Example for Free

Americans Bias Against Muslims Essay Orientalism, simply put, is the perception the West has of the East. The concept was mapped out by Edward Said in his book Orientalism, where he explores the concept, its origin, and how it functions. Said states that Orientalism is the corporate institution for dealing with the Orient dealing with it by making statements about it, authorizing views of it, describing it, by teaching it, settling it, [and] ruling over it (3). However, Said points out that even if Orientalism from the beginning was not a creation with no corresponding reality the concept he studies in the book is that of the internal consistency of Orientalism and its ideas about the Orient despite or beyond any correspondence with the real Orient (5). What Said is saying is that the characteristics drawn up about the Orient within Orientalism ar not necessarily compatible with reality. The Western eagerness to characterize the Oriental came from the desire to put a face to the unknown, becoming a political vision of reality whose structure promoted the difference between East and West, them and us, the familiar and the strange (43). Orientalism became a dictionary displaying the characteristics of the Oriental subject, characteristics that were fixed and unchangeable (42, 70). The attributes given to the Oriental helped strengthen the image of Western superiority and justified colonialism. The West was seen as superior to the East, meaning that it had the right to dominate the subject race, since it did not know what was good for it (Said 35). Irrational, depraved (fallen), childlike, [and] different,,4 (40) were words used to describe Orientals. Europeans then became rational, virtuous, mature, [and] normal (40), and the line between the two parts of the world was set; Europe (or the West) as the strong one and Asia (or the East) as the weak one (57). The Orientals were given the role of the Other, ruled by their emotions rather than sense, which made them crueller than the enlightened Western man (Barry 186). The role of the Other made ruling over them justified. The same method is still used by Orientalists today (Said 60), so the hegemony that makes the West believe itself to be superior to the East stays alive in both Western and Eastern cultures. Orientalism is written to explore how and why these ideas have such a central and fixed part in the mentality of the West (and East). In the preface to the 2003 issue of the book Said writes about 9111 and the following War on Terror in this way: Without a well-organized sense that these people over there were not like us and didnt appreciate our values the very core of Orientalism there would have been no war (xv). In this quote it is evident that the Oriental stereotype is still very much present in todays society and is affecting events in the world; Said even argues that the war in Afghanistan and Iraq would not be a fact if it was not for this stereotype. Although the role of the suppressed was given to the East, it was still, and is still, surrounded by mystery and exoticism because it was/is something so different from the West. Its exoticism made it hard to grasp and understand for Western society (Barry 186). It could be suggest that the contrasting images of the exotic Orient and the dangerous Orient are both images that exist in an attempt to make the ungraspable graspable. Even if these images are different they are sticking around because they provide an explanation. Said also points out that Orientalism is a three-way force that affects both the Orient, the Orientalists and the Western consumer of Orientalism (Said 67). Since the ideas of the Orient within Orientalism affect all three stages it makes it almost impossible to erase the stereotype that has been erected. The only way would be to embrace hybridity, which means accepting each others differences and looking beyond the man-made distinction between East and West (Said 5). After the 9/11 attacks it became even more evident that the stereotype evoked in Orientalism was not about to disappear, despite the new global society. Said gives an example of how an Arab is typically portrayed as a bloodthirsty, deceiving slave trader, who is a sadist and so on, in movies and on television (287). This image was not far away when the media, and politicians for that matter, started portraying all Easterners as bloodthirsty terrorists driven by non-rational thoughts (Scanlan 274). The fear of the unknown, of the suppressed rising and gaining power, of the Other speaking up, is as scary today as it was hundreds of years ago. These images of the East are what The Reluctant Fundamentalist explores, showing how deeply rooted they are in society and how they blossomed after 9/11. The novel tries to make the reader reflect upon this stereotype, how it might be wrong and why it exists.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Corporate Restructuring Strategies Business Essay

Corporate Restructuring Strategies Business Essay Corporate restructuring is the process of redesigning one or more aspects of a company. The process of reorganizing a company may be implemented due to a number of different factors, such as positioning the company to be more competitive, survive a currently adverse economic climate, or poise the corporation to move in an entirely new direction. Here are some examples of why corporate restructuring may take place and what it can mean for the company. In general, the idea of corporate restructuring is to allow the company to continue functioning in some manner. Even when corporate raiders break up the company and leave behind a shell of the original structure, there is still usually a hope, what remains can function well enough for a new buyer to purchase the diminished corporation and return it to profitability. Purpose of Corporate Restructuring To enhance the share holder value, The company should continuously evaluate its: Portfolio of businesses, Capital mix, Ownership Asset arrangements to find opportunities to increase the share holders value. To focus on asset utilization and profitable investment opportunities. To reorganize or divest less profitable or loss making businesses/products. The company can also enhance value through capital Restructuring, it can innovate securities that help to reduce cost of capital. Corporate Restructuring entails a range of activities including financial restructuring and organization restructuring. 1. Financial Restructuring Financial restructuring is the reorganization of the financial assets and liabilities of a corporation in order to create the most beneficial financial environment for the company. The process of financial restructuring is often associated with corporate restructuring, in that restructuring the general function and composition of the company is likely to impact the financial health of the corporation. When completed, this reordering of corporate assets and liabilities can help the company to remain competitive, even in a depressed economy. Just about every business goes through a phase of financial restructuring at one time or another. In some cases, the process of restructuring takes place as a means of allocating resources for a new marketing campaign or the launch of a new product line. When this happens, the restructure is often viewed as a sign that the company is financially stable and has set goals for future growth and expansion. Need For Financial Restructuring The process of financial restructuring may be undertaken as a means of eliminating waste from the operations of the company. For example, the restructuring effort may find that two divisions or departments of the company perform related functions and in some cases duplicate efforts. Rather than continue to use financial resources to fund the operation of both departments, their efforts are combined. This helps to reduce costs without impairing the ability of the company to still achieve the same ends in a timely manner In some cases, financial restructuring is a strategy that must take place in order for the company to continue operations. This is especially true when sales decline and the corporation no longer generates a consistent net profit. A financial restructuring may include a review of the costs associated with each sector of the business and identify ways to cut costs and increase the net profit. The restructuring may also call for the reduction or suspension of production facilities that are obsolete or currently produce goods that are not selling well and are scheduled to be phased out. Financial restructuring also take place in response to a drop in sales, due to a sluggish economy or temporary concerns about the economy in general. When this happens, the corporation may need to reorder finances as a means of keeping the company operational through this rough time. Costs may be cut by combining divisions or departments, reassigning responsibilities and eliminating personnel, or scaling back production at various facilities owned by the company. With this type of corporate restructuring, the focus is on survival in a difficult market rather than on expanding the company to meet growing consumer demand. All businesses must pay attention to matters of finance in order to remain operational and to also hopefully grow over time. From this perspective, financial restructuring can be seen as a tool that can ensure the corporation is making the most efficient use of available resources and thus generating the highest amount of net profit possible within the current set economic environment. 2. Organizational Restructuring In organizational restructuring, the focus is on management and internal corporate governance structures. Organizational restructuring has become a very common practice amongst the firms in order to match the growing competition of the market. This makes the firms to change the organizational structure of the company for the betterment of the business. Need For Organization Restructuring New skills and capabilities are needed to meet current or expected operational requirements. Accountability for results are not clearly communicated and measurable resulting in subjective and biased performance appraisals. Parts of the organization are significantly over or under staffed. Organizational communications are inconsistent, fragmented, and inefficient. Technology and/or innovation are creating changes in workflow and production processes. Significant staffing increases or decreases are contemplated. Personnel retention and turnover is a significant problem. Workforce productivity is stagnant or deteriorating. Morale is deteriorating. Some of the most common features of organizational restructures are: Regrouping of business: This involves the firms regrouping their existing business into fewer business units. The management then handles theses lesser number of compact and strategic business units in an easier and better way that ensures the business to earn profit. Downsizing: Often companies may need to retrench the surplus manpower of the business. For that purpose offering voluntary retirement schemes (VRS) is the most useful tool taken by the firms for downsizing the businesss workforce. Decentralization: In order to enhance the organizational response to the developments in dynamic environment, the firms go for decentralization. This involves reducing the layers of management in the business so that the people at lower hierarchy are benefited. Outsourcing: Outsourcing is another measure of organizational restructuring that reduces the manpower and transfers the fixed costs of the company to variable costs. Enterprise Resource Planning: Enterprise resource planning is an integrated management information system that is enterprise-wide and computer-base. This management system enables the business management to understand any situation in faster and better way. The advancement of the information technology enhances the planning of a business. Business Process Engineering: It involves redesigning the business process so that the business maximizes the operation and value added content of the business while minimizing everything else. Total Quality Management: The businesses now have started to realize that an outside certification for the quality of the product helps to get a good will in the market. Quality improvement is also necessary to improve the customer service and reduce the cost of the business. VARIOUS STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING Smart sizing: It is the process of reducing the size of a company by laying off employees on the basis of incompetence and inefficiency. Some Examples Acquisitions: HLL took over TOMCO. Diversification: Videocon group is diversified into power projects, oil exploration and basic telecom services. Merger: Asea and Brown Boveri came together to form ABB. Strategic alliances: Siemens India has got a Strategic alliance with Bharati Telecom for marketing of its EPABX. Expansion: Siemens is expanding its medical electronics division- a new factory for medical electronics is already come up in Goa. Networking: It refers to the process of breaking companies into smaller independant business units for significant improvement in productivity and flexibility. The phenomenon is predominant in South Korea, where big companies like Samsung, Hyundai and Daewoo are breaking themselves up into smaller units. These firms convert their managers into entrepreneurs. Virtual Corporation: It is a company that has taken steps to turn itself inside out. Rather than having managers and staff sitting INSIDE in their offices moving papers from in basket to out basket, a virtual corporation kicks the employees outside, sending them to work in customers offices and plants, determining what the customer needs and wants, then reshaping the corporate products and services to the customers exact needs. This is a futuristic concept wherein companies will be edgeless, adaptable and perpetually changing. The centrepiece of the business revolution is a new kind of product called a Virtual Product Some of the these products already exist, camcorders create instant movies, personal computers and laser printers have made instant desktop publishing a reality. And for all these we can obtain cash instantly at ATMs. Verticalization: It refers to regrouping of management functions for particular functions for a particular product range to achieve higher accountability and transparency. Siemens in 1990 moved from a function-oriented structure to a vertical entrepreneur-oriented structure embracing size business and three support divisions. Delayering- Flat organization: In the post world war period the demand for goods was ever increasing. Main objective of the corporations was production and capacity build up to meet the demand. The classical, pyramidal structure was well suited to this high growth environment. This structure was scalable and the corporations could immediately translate their growth plans into action by adding workers at the bottom layer and filling in the management layers. But the price paid in the whole process was much higher. The overall process became complicated; number of middle managers and functional managers grew making the coordination of various functions complex. Senior/top management was alienated from the front-line people as well as the end users of the product or sen/ice. Decision-making became slower. Hence, a need is felt to attack the unproductive, bulky and sluggish network of white-collar staff. A powerful strategy would be to remove the layers of senior and middle management i. e. making the organization structure flat. The perspective of organizational restructuring may be different for the employees. When a company goes for the organizational restructuring, it often leads to reducing the manpower and hence meaning that people are losing their jobs. This may decrease the morale of employee in a large manner. Hence many firms provide strategies on career transitioning and outplacement support to their existing employees for an easy transition to their next job. The important methods of Corporate Restructuring are: Joint ventures Sell off and spin off Divestitures Equity carve out Leveraged buy outs (LBO) Management buy outs 1. Joint Ventures Joint ventures are new enterprises owned by two or more participants. They are typically formed for special purposes for a limited duration. It is a combination of subsets of assets contributed by two (or more) business entities for a specific business purpose and a limited duration. Each of the venture partners continues to exist as a separate firm, and the joint venture represents a new business enterprise. It is a contract to work together for a period of time each participant expects to gain from the activity but also must make a contribution. For Example: GM-Toyota JV: GM hoped to gain new experience in the management techniques of the Japanese in building high-quality, low-cost compact subcompact cars. Whereas, Toyota was seeking to learn from the management traditions that had made GE the no. 1 auto producer in the world and In addition to learn how to operate an auto company in the environment under the conditions in the US, dealing with contractors, suppliers, and workers. DCM group and Daewoo motors entered in to JV to form DCM DAEWOO Ltd. to manufacture automobiles in India. 2. Spin-off Spinoffs are a way to get rid of underperforming or non-core business divisions that can drag down profits. Process of spin-off The company decides to spin off a business division. The parent company files the necessary paperwork with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The spinoff becomes a company of its own and must also file paperwork with the SEBI. Shares in the new company are distributed to parent company shareholders. The spinoff company goes public. Notice that the spinoff shares are distributed to the parent company shareholders. There are two reasons why this creates value: Parent company shareholders rarely want anything to do with the new spinoff. After all, its an underperforming division that was cut off to improve the bottom line. As a result, many new shareholders sell immediately after the new company goes public. Large institutions are often forbidden to hold shares in spinoffs due to the smaller market capitalization, increased risk, or poor financials of the new company. Therefore, many large institutions automatically sell their shares immediately after the new company goes public. There is no money transaction in spin-off. The transaction is treated as stock dividend tax free exchange. Split-off: Is a transaction in which some, but not all, parent company shareholders receive shares in a subsidiary, in return for relinquishing their parent companys share. In other words some parent company shareholders receive the subsidiarys shares in return for which they must give up their parent company shares Feature of split-offs is that a portion of existing shareholders receives stock in a subsidiary in exchange for parent company stock. Split-up: Is a transaction in which a company spins off all of its subsidiaries to its shareholders ceases to exist. The entire firm is broken up in a series of spin-offs. The parent no longer exists and Only the new offspring survive. In a split-up, a company is split up into two or more independent companies. As a sequel, the parent company disappears as a corporate entity and in its place two or more separate companies emerge. 3. Divestures Divesture is a transaction through which a firm sells a portion of its assets or a division to another company. It involves selling some of the assets or division for cash or securities to a third party which is an outsider. Divestiture is a form of contraction for the selling company. means of expansion for the purchasing company. It represents the sale of a segment of a company (assets, a product line, a subsidiary) to a third party for cash and or securities. Mergers, assets purchase and takeovers lead to expansion in some way or the other. They are based on the principle of synergy which says 2 + 2 = 5! , divestiture on the other hand is based on the principle of anergy which says 5 3 = 3!. Among the various methods of divestiture, the most important ones are partial sell-off, demerger (spin-off split off) and equity carve out. Some scholars define divestiture rather narrowly as partial sell off and some scholars define divestiture more broadly to include partial sell offs, demergers and so on. Motives: Change of focus or corporate strategy Unit unprofitable can mistake Sale to pay off leveraged finance Antitrust Need cash Defend against takeover Good price. 4. Equity Carve-Out A transaction in which a parent firm offers some of a subsidiaries common stock to the general public, to bring in a cash infusion to the parent without loss of control. In other words equity carve outs are those in which some of a subsidiaries shares are offered for a sale to the general public, bringing an infusion of cash to the parent firm without loss of control. Equity carve out is also a means of reducing their exposure to a riskier line of business and to boost shareholders value. 5. Leveraged Buyout A buyout is a transaction in which a person, group of people, or organization buys a company or a controlling share in the stock of a company. Buyouts great and small occur all over the world on a daily basis. Buyouts can also be negotiated with people or companies on the outside. For example, a large candy company might buy out smaller candy companies with the goal of cornering the market more effectively and purchasing new brands which it can use to increase its customer base. Likewise, a company which makes widgets might decide to buy a company which makes thingamabobs in order to expand its operations, using an establishing company as a base rather than trying to start from scratch. 6. Management buyout In this case, management of the company buys the company, and they may be joined by employees in the venture. This practice is sometimes questioned because management can have unfair advantages in negotiations, and could potentially manipulate the value of the company in order to bring down the purchase price for themselves. On the other hand, for employees and management, the possibility of being able to buy out their employers in the future may serve as an incentive to make the company strong. It occurs when a companys managers buy or acquire a large part of the company. The goal of an MBO may be to strengthen the managers interest in the success of the company. Purpose of Management buyouts From management point of view may be: To save their jobs, either if the business has been scheduled for closure or if an outside purchaser would bring in its own management team. To maximize the financial benefits they receive from the success they bring to the company by taking the profits for themselves. To ward off aggressive buyers. The goal of an MBO may be to strengthen the managers interest in the success of the company. Key considerations in MBO are fairness to shareholders price, the future business plan, and legal and tax issues. Benefits of Management buyouts It provides an excellent opportunity for management of undervalued cos to realize the intrinsic value of the company. Lower agency cost: cost associated with conflict of interest between owners and managers. Source of tax savings: since interest payments are tax deductible, pushing up gearing rations to fund a management buyout can provide large tax covers. Conclusion: Restructuring strategies encompasses enhancing economy and improving efficiency. When a company wants to grow or survive in a competitive environment, it needs to restructure itself and focus on its competitive advantage. Thus, the merger and acquisition strategies have been conceived to improve general economic well-being of all those who are, directly or indirectly, connected with the corporate sector. The intension of buy back is visualized as to support share value during periods of temporary weakness, survival and to prevent takeover bids.